Sunday, April 15, 2012

The thing about going out with somebody popular is that....

you can never get too attached to them.

Once they give you that enough attention that could make you feel a bit special than usual, please, stop feeling too happy about that. Try not to succumb to it. It would be very difficult to detach yourself from that feeling once it envelopes almost every portion of your senses because if you allow yourself to give in to this sensation, you can never avoid feeling a pang in your chest (where the heart could be situated...not too sure) every time you won't hear from him for weeks. This is a very difficult task to achieve but it's for your own good.

You can never feel and subject to jealousy because honestly, you don't have the right to especially if there is still no labels that have been settled between the two of you. Once you start feeling this, it's all downhill from here on end.

You have all the right to like him, I'm not saying you can't because it's not impossible for him to feel equally the same. But here's the thing, just be ready to walk away with yourself still intact when that time comes that you should.

And never ever forget those times spent with him, it makes one heck of a good icebreaker during dull moments with friends ;)

Just a piece of advise, what ever happens DO NOT BREAK!

NOTE to SELF: Read in case of emergency. 

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